+12048137993 https://d1hgj0yy0rp5w9.cloudfront.net/tmp/2016/01/16/689aee6a64b72de63cea1380bb85ec38.jpg

Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg

1700 Waverley St , Winnipeg, MB, R3T 5V7

Member since February 19, 2015

1700 Waverley St Winnipeg MB R3T 5V7

Overall Score


Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg

2857 Reviews

Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg

Review Ratings Breakdown

Consumer Reviews

*Showing a selection of the total reviews available from Google.

*Showing a selection of the total reviews available from Facebook.

Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg

Service on 2011 Chevrolet Cruz

April 01, 2016

I appreciate receiving service reminders and the service is completed in a timely manner, the staff are helpful, efficient and courteous.

Written By: DARLENE

Related Staff:

Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg

Service experience was good

April 01, 2016

I think your service people do an excellent job. My only complaint is that your parts prices are a bit too high for my liking. I.e. cabin air filter was about $40.00 when I can buy else where for about $26.00. However I guess that's the price of sealing directly with a dealer. Thats the only reason I would quit dealing withe the dealer

Written By: RICHARD

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Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg

Great experience

April 01, 2016

The staff at murray chev were very good to me they are very good at their jobs and they know their stuff

Written By: TREVOR

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Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg


April 01, 2016

Everything was done fine. Thank you for the service. My car was returned to me completely fixed. I can't thank you enough.

Written By: MAYLING

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Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg

Engine timing repair

April 01, 2016

Service was great. I was disappointed that my vehicle had this problem with only 75 K , however Murray honoured my powertrain warranty with no questions asked. Vehicle was towed under GM roadside, and Amanda , our service advisor explained the work needed,kept us up to date on the repair progress, and offered alternative transportation and customer pickup if required. So far my vehicle runs great after this extensive repair.

Written By: WARREN

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Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg


March 31, 2016

I'm very happy with the work I've received however with the recall on the rust on the doors it was done and rust is starting to show again. Not very happy about that. Hopefully something will be done about it.

Written By: LIZ

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Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg

loved it

March 31, 2016

everyone was helpful and courteous! i enjoy comeing in for maintianance on the eqiunox i bought , i look forward to going to murray chev each and every time.

Written By: KEVIN

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Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg

started out rough, but was soon turned around

March 31, 2016

Murray's truly does strive to make a negative experience a good one after everything is said and done! what started out as a roller coaster ride ended up with us being completely satisfied , and our sales person going above and beyond!

Written By: EARL

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Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg

Are attentive, respectful and want to solve whatever is the issue.

March 31, 2016

Struts needed to be replaced. The noise expert technician and I went for a drive, and the problem, through sound, was identified. The service consultant has been wonderful to work with.

Written By: WILMA

Related Staff:

Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg

Sersvice work at Murray's

March 30, 2016

The staff has been thoughtful, professional and ready to handle the needs of my vehicles. They also send out feedback forms to make certain everything is to my satisfaction.

Written By: DON

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